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Tips to Eliminate Mosquito Problems Around Your Home

A mosquito on human skin.

The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) has provided helpful tips to reduce mosquito breeding sites around your home. Mosquitoes don’t need much water to lay their eggs, so taking a few simple steps can significantly reduce the risk of mosquitoes in your area.

How to Prevent Mosquito Breeding:

  1. Dispose of Unused Tires:
    Tires can hold water and breed thousands of mosquitoes. Get rid of any old or unused tires around your home.
  2. Drill Holes in Recycling Containers:
    Drill holes in the bottom of your recycling containers to prevent water from collecting.
  3. Clean Roof Gutters:
    Make sure your roof gutters are free of debris and properly draining to avoid water buildup.
  4. Clean Pet Water Dishes:
    Regularly clean and refill your pet’s water dish to prevent stagnant water from becoming a breeding site.
  5. Repair Leaky Outdoor Faucets:
    Fix any leaky outdoor faucets to prevent puddles from forming around your home.
  6. Change Bird Bath Water Weekly:
    Change the water in bird baths at least once a week to disrupt mosquito breeding cycles.
  7. Turn Over Canoes and Boats:
    Ensure that canoes, boats, or any large objects that could collect water are turned over when not in use.
  8. Pool Covers and Tarps:
    Avoid water pooling on top of pool covers, tarps, or woodpiles by emptying them regularly.
  9. Plug Tree Holes:
    Fill in holes in trees that may collect rainwater.
  10. Empty Small Containers:
    Small containers like bottles, buckets, barrels, and garbage can lids can easily become mosquito breeding sites. Make sure to empty them frequently.

The AMCA emphasizes that even small containers can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, so stay vigilant and take these precautions to keep your home mosquito-free. Stay informed and protect your family during mosquito season!

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