CCMAD General Manager Speaks at Local Townhall

Compton Creek Mosquito Abatement District's General Manager spoke at Councilwoman Duhart's first townhall meeting on July 16th at Gonzales Park.
On July 16th, Compton Creek Mosquito Abatement District's General Manager, Mitchel Weinbaum, spoke at Councilwoman Duhart's first townhall meeting, held at Gonzales Park. Mr. Weinbaum shared information about the dangers posed by mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases.

Specifically, he focused on general information about the life cycle of mosquitoes and the diseases that they can transmit before moving on to sharing useful tips about how to prevent mosquito breeding around residents' homes and how they can protect themselves and their families from these dangerous insects. Finally, he helped inform residents how they can identify mosquitoes - useful information in light of the increasingly long mosquito seasons resulting from climate change.

Remember, you can help fight against mosquitoes by following these simple tips:
- Drain Standing Water from rain gutters, buckets, and any other container that can hold standing water.
- Discard old tires, broken appliances, and household items like pots and pans. This includes smaller items like bottles; cans, and cups.
- Empty and Clean birdbaths and your pets' water bowls at least once or twice a week.
- Protect your vehicles and other large items from rainwater by covering them with tarps.
- Avoid Dawn & Dusk when mosquitoes are most active - if possible, avoid going out at these times.
- Cover up to bare skin and clothing. Always use repellents with long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks
when going outside. - Apply Mosquito Repellent to your skin and clothes to ward off mosquitoes. Use repellents with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, and/or IR3535.
- Maintain Door & Window Screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home. Check for and fix any holes that you find.